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Best Supplements for Stress

by PINK Jasmine Organics 02 Sep 2024
Best Supplements for Stress - PINK Jasmine Organics

Feeling stressed out on a regular basis? Your well being may be at risk. According to Everyday Health a surge in stress hormones, particularly the notorious cortisol, has the power to unleash havoc on the body, escalating inflammation, compromising immunity, and catapulting the risks of high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks. The National Institute of Mental Health issues a stark warning: chronic stress is a silent saboteur, undermining every facet of your health, from pesky headaches to increasing risk of type 2 diabetes and anxiety.

Now, we all know that a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and sleep, and mental health support are proven for relieving stress. However, another overlooked ally in your arsenal is dietary supplements. While no supplement can magically erase stress, experts and researchers attest that certain types of supplements can help lower anxiety levels, tame sleep troubles, ease depression symptoms, and more.

Here is the scientific evidence currently available on five supplements with the potential to help fight stress as you embark on your journey toward a happier and healthier you.

  1. Ashwagandha 

Ashwagandha, the ancient herbal remedy, is what’s known as an adaptogen, which means it supports the body in resisting disease and regulates the effects of stress on the body, according to the MedlinePlus. There is evidence linking ashwagandha with reduced stress and anxiety, and some studies also suggest that it might be useful for improving sleep. In a small study published in September 2019 in Medicine (Baltimore), 30 stressed but healthy adults were given 240 milligrams (mg) of the extract per day, and 30 were given a placebo. After two months, those who took ashwagandha returned with reports of diminished anxiety, depression, and stress. A slightly larger study, published in December 2019 in Cureus, followed 60 stressed but healthy adults for eight weeks. Each day, one-third of the group received 250 mg of ashwagandha, one-third received 600 mg of the supplement, and one-third received a placebo. The result: The participants who were given ashwagandha reported better sleep and reduced stress, triumphing over their placebo-bound counterparts.

Feel free to take ashwagandha as a pill or capsule, tea, or add the powdered extract to smoothies, yogurt, and other foods. Take heed this caution: if you add the root or powder to food, you may want to add a sweetener like fruit or honey to mask its bitterness.

  1. Rhodiola Rosea

The Rhodiola rosea plant grows in the frigid mountains of Europe and Asia, as well as in the Arctic, and it has been effective as a remedy for stress, according to a study published in December 2017 in Current Pharmacology Reports. Rhodiola is a go-to for athletes to enhance the natural resistance of the body both to physical and behavioral stresses. Many athletes and gym junkies utilize Rhodiola rosea for more longer and more effective workouts. A review published in January 2018 in the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice concluded that Rhodiola rosea has potential benefits for reducing stress symptoms as well as preventing chronic stress and its complications. Amazingly, along with lessening stress Rhodiola rosea, has demonstrated anti-aging, anti-inflammation, DNA repair and anti-cancer effects. You can take rhodiola as a liquid extract, capsule, or powder.

  1. Probiotics

When your gut is working properly, it produces more serotonin and dopamine than your brain does. Serotonin and dopamine are chemical messengers that play important roles in how we feel and our ability to think and plan. Recent 2023 study published in the National Library of Medicine found that probiotics help support gut health as well as manage occasional stress. Inside the large intestine in your gut, lives friendly microbes. Microbes are important as they help you break down and digest food. These microbes actually produce B vitamins on their own, these B vitamins are critical for helping to keep your body maintain homeostasis and keep your mood at peace. As you boost the health of your own microbes, they will reward you by producing neurotransmitters such as GABA, dopamine, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters will be used by your brain to help calm you down and make you feel happy. 

  1. Vitamin D

People with anxiety, sleeping problems or problems with over thinking usually have levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone part of the fight or flight mechanism which keeps the body alert and responsive. However, when you are trying to calm down and relax its vital that you find ways to switch cortisol off. Going outside in nature and soaking in the sun automatically reduces stress as it triggers production of vitamin D. Unfortunately, millions of people world wide are deficient in Vitamin D because of living and working indoors. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and stress to such an extent that we recommend each and every patient experiencing any of these situations have their vitamin D levels evaluated. Study after study indicates the direct link between vitamin D levels and mental health is so strong that adding just 1,000 IU of vitamin D per day can reduce: fatigue, feelings of depression or anxiety, joint pain, mood swings, and muscle cramp. 

  1. CBD

Last but certainly not least, our favorite cannabinoid CBD walks into the scene as the ultimate calming queen. Cannabidiol orchestrates a symphony of relief that lessens stress by targeting serotonin receptors in the brain. Our serotonin receptors in our brains are responsible for balancing our moods, our stress level, and more. When cannabidiol interacts with serotonin receptors, it can have an anti-anxiety affect on the brain and the body. Research from Riverside Village Clinic shows CBD oil to be effective at treating depression, nausea, and addictions that are affected by serotonin receptors. Cannabidiol also aids to alleviate inflammation caused by chronic stress through its ability to create a calming effect. Hemp’s flowers, full of healing cannabinoids, have been used medicinally for thousands of years in various societies around the world to reduce the physiological and psychological consequences of stress and fear.  CBD is the component of the Hemp plant responsible for these effects.

In today’s high-stress, fast-paced world, many of us have a higher than optimal level of stress. Try these five scientifically proven supplements to relieve stress and let us know which ones work best for you.



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