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How CBD Works For Stress and Anxiety

by Jasmine Vaughan 01 Sep 2024
How CBD Works For Stress and Anxiety
A 2019 poll done by Gallup, showed that relief from anxiety was the number two reason why Americans took CBD, only coming in second to helping with pain. So why do many Americans remain skeptical about taking CBD for stress and anxiety issues? Two main concerns are THC levels showing up on a drug test and quality assurance. Thankfully, many CBD companies have THC-free options like PINK Jasmine CBD, with 100% THC-free gummies, third party lab testing and no addictive properties. Let’s take a closer look at this topic to see precisely how CBD might help you with dealing with stress and anxiety.

CBD works to reduce stress by interacting with your (ECS) Endocannabinoid system. The (ECS) aims to maintain balance and is responsible for your emotions, memories, mood, pain, and coordination. Think of the last time you felt a wave of anxiety hit, maybe right before a tough conversation at work or giving a speech at a family event. When you experience a stressful situation, stress hormones may produce, your heart rate and breathing might quicken, and your mood changes. All of this happens under the work of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

In the 1990s, scientists discovered endocannabinoids, the natural cannabis-like molecules produced naturally by the human body. It appears the primary function of the endocannabinoid system is to maintain homeostasis— the fine art of balancing hormones, immune functions, metabolism, sleep, and stress responses. Researchers believe CBD assists the body in maintaining homeostasis by increasing the level of a key endocannabinoid, anandamide, known as “the bliss molecule” and responsible for regulating dopamine and serotonin levels.

CBD interacts to inhibit the breakdown of anandamide, resulting in higher levels of anandamide in the body. At higher anandamide levels, one experiences greater serotonin levels, resulting in improved mood and reduced anxiety. This was demonstrated in a 2015 study involving mice and humans. These results were confirmed by a 2019 follow-up study. For this reason, many anti-anxiety medications actively increase serotonin levels. In addition to interacting with the serotonin levels, CBD activates CB-1 receptors in the brain’s amygdala. When CB-1 receptors are blocked anxiety can increase, therefore, CBD works to unblock and activate these receptors, showing to be promising aid for anxiety relief. CBD is also linked to heightened activity in the brain’s amygdala circuit, which is linked to emotional processing.

Perhaps the most promising aspect of all this research is that data shows that CBD is safe, well-tolerated and with few adverse effects, and that it demonstrates no potential for abuse or dependence in humans. Through its interactions with the ECS and other molecular targets in the body, CBD works naturally to promote homeostasis, or equilibrium, across many body systems. The research demonstrates that CBD serves as a safe and effective natural alternative to pharmaceutical anti-anxiety medications.

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